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But I'd say she'll cost him something to keep. Ugg Outlet Ventura When I feel ill I lie here and thinkabout it until I cry and cry.[5] Deckers retained the rights to their UGG logo as trade mark protection only applies for the way the mark appears in its entirety and not for the words it contains. I was not happy and had to think to myself if I had gotten a defect. [Ugg Outlet Ventura] So, the reasons for me believing they are fake are the tag is different, there is no sticker on the box, the outside and inside quality are very poor, they are very small I would need a size 9 instead of an 8 and all my others are size 8 and fit perfectly, and the card UGGs provide to prove authenticity were not in the box and the shiny UGG sticker was not on the box also the UGGs box from the UGGs website is smaller then this retailer's.

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